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               108  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 93-119, Winter 2021
                  A  constant  fulcrum  out             To  answer  this,  we  must
               through  the  analyses  is  the       understand  the  relationship
               relationship  between  the  Self      between God and the Self.
               and  God.  It  is  the  central          Firstly, I will go through the
               theme of both ethical thoughts,       understanding  of  the  Self  and
               and  the  greatest  similarity        God  in  the  Islamic  ethical
               between  them.  Responsibility,       system. To do this, I will look
               free  will,  and  choices  were       at the Quranic Verse:
               some of the key words through                “And  We  have  already
               the  analyses  of  the  ethical              created  man  and  know
               thoughts,  which  indicate  that             what  his  soul  whispers
               humans  must  act,  choose  to               to  him,  and  We  are
               act, in accordance to living an              closer to him than [his]
               ethical life.                                jugular  vein”.  (Quran,
                  In    the   Islamic    ethical            50: 16)
               thought,  we  learned  that  only
               actions based on free will can           The Quranic Verse is a key
               be judged as ethical actions. In      example  of  the  relationship
               the  works  of  Kierkegaard,  we      between  the  Self  and  God.  In
               were  taught  that  only  the         the  Verse,  God  explains,  not
               active choices, and the actions       only how He created man and
               performed  on  the  base  of          knows what is within him; But
               independent,       self-reflective    also places Himself closer than
               choices,  could  be  valued  as       the “jugular vein”. Being close
               ethical; But what is the role of      is not a physical distance; But
               God  then?  If  one  has  the         a  spiritual  one.  A  distance
               power  to  act  ethically,  the       between  the  soul,  or  in  this
               power  to  choose  to  act,  then     case, the Self, and God.
               why  ask  God  to  help  one             The  well-known  scholar,
               achieve noble traits?                 Ibrahim  Amini,  explained  in
                                                     his work Self-building, that the
                                                     human Self is “a single reality
                                                     but is the possessor of different
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