Page 106 - Pure Life 25
P. 106

A Comparative Analysis … N.T Jørgensen and M. Sohrabian Parizi / 105

               that one has a choice. The next       comic”  is  a  stage  or  transition
               stage  is  the  aesthetical  one.     between the ethicist and the last
               Here one understands that one         category: the religious.
               has a choice; But one does not           A  religious  person  is  one
               want to choose.                       who chose to act ethically; But
                  The  aesthetician only  follows    does  it  for  the  sake  of  God,
               his  or  her  desires,  rather  it  be   and   understand   that    the
               sexual, intellectual, psychological   relation  to  God  is  the  true
               or art related desires.               ethical goodness. It is through
                  A  stage  related  to  the         the  relation  to  God,  one  finds
               aesthetical    stage    is   “the     oneself,  and  if  one  does  not
               Ironist”.  The  Ironist  is  a        find  oneself,  it  is  up  to  one’s
               person,  who  want  to  choose;       surroundings  to  define  one,
               But  cannot,  and  therefor  he       which  is  understood  as  a
               becomes  frustrated  which  is        horrific position to be in.
               shown in  anger and hatefulness          Ethical discussions are often
               towards  “spidsborgeren”,  who        related  to  the  question  of
               he ridicules.                         purpose  and  goodness.  In  the
                  The third stage is the ethical     ethical thoughts of Kierkegaard,
               one.  The  ethicist  is  one  who     true  goodness  is  found  as  one
               knows  he  or  she  has  a  choose    submits oneself to the will of God.
               and  can  act  upon  that  choice.       Abraham  is  an  example  of
               The  ethicist  acts  according  to    true goodness, and the highest
               what  is  understood  as  ethical     moral  stage.  Abraham  was
               correct, and he or she does it as     commanded  to  sacrifice  his
               a result of a choice. The ethicist    son,  despite  killing  one’s
               chose  to  act  ethically,  instead   offspring  is  ethical  wrong
               of following his or her desires.      according     to   Kierkegaard.
                  A subcategory of the ethicist      Faith is the highest moral trait,
               is  the  “comic”.  He  is  an         and  as  Abraham  had  faith  in
               ethicist;  But  uncertain whether     God he became the example of
               he  should  move  onto  the  next     the best moral stage.
               stage.  This  means  that  “the
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