Page 163 - Pure Life 25
P. 163
162 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 133-178, Winter 2021
engineering and the so-called Overall, the research pointed
Islamization, populism and out that the current political
unequal living for minorities system of Pakistan was based on
by the military-bureaucratic Islamic values and management
establishments. practices but these practices were
The political instability and never implemented in the actual
increased role of military- shape in this country. It promoted
bureaucratic establishment has inequality, injustice and
largely affected provincial discrimination against minorities
autonomy and business and other non-Muslim
environment in the five communities living in Pakistan.
provinces of Pakistan. The Islamic values and
ethnic hostility among management practices provide
different religious has an excellent direction to the
increased in the last ten years political or managerial system
in Pakistan and rapid social of country as highlighted by
change has created ethnic Waseem (2011) in his working
hatred all around in different paper that was published on
provinces of the country. January 2011; But the political
Similarly, the influx of system of Pakistan could never
refugees from the neighboring be strengthened due to
countries has increased over increased military interventions
the past few years and created and role of military-
several political, economic and bureaucracy establishment in
social issues in this country the local politics and political
where political instability and system of the country.
violence increased, drugs After the partition from
trafficking and illegal India, the power structure in this
immigration of people country was largely military
increased from Pakistan to the dominant. It weakened
Middle East and other Asian democracy and the
and European countries. establishment of democratic