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               166  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 133-178, Winter 2021

               states.  Within  Sunni  Islam  and       These  are  some  of  the
               Shia Islam whose interpretation       difficulty  of  bringing  Islamic
               of  Sharia  differs  from  each       management         system      in
               other  makes  it  difficult  to       Pakistan.  The  life  style  of  the
               impose Sharia in the country.         Muslims  and  most  of  the
                  More       than       fourteen     country  is  not  truly  Muslims,
               centuries  have  passed  since        which  makes  it  difficult  for  a
               Islam  came;  still  it  is  not      government  to  impose  Sharia
               enough  for  people  to  define       law in the country.
               the  fundamentals  of  Islam.            Each  country  has  its  own
               Question  arises,  How  much          climate,  system  and  readiness
               more time do we need?                 to  accept  or  deny  the  Islamic
                  People  of  Pakistan  has  to      management  system  (Sharia).
               reach  a  unanimously  decision       Sharia can only be declared if
               to  adopt  one  Islamic  system       all the people are ready and the
               which  each  sector  at  least        one  who  impose  are  on  the
               accepts.  According  to  each         right path.
               sect,  the  punishment  for              When  you  are  praying  five
               certain  crimes  differs,  so  it  is   times  a  day,  when  you  behave
               hard  to  imply  the  Islamic         honestly,  you  do  not  need  a
               management       system.     The      Sharia law (Islamic management
               government  itself  is  not  a        system). When you speak truth,
               serious  candidate  but  often        you  do  thing  honestly,  you  do
               says it’s difficult to enactment      not  need  Sharia  Law.  When
               of sharia law in Pakistan.            robbery,     thieving,    killing,
                  Parliament  is  now  deciding      exorcism,  injustice,  inequality
               to take the law from the Quran        becomes  normal,  then  how
               and make Quran the supremacy          would  you  expect  Sharia  to
               of all Management system. The         work?  How  Sharia  will  be
               law  passed  in  Pakistan  is  that   imposed under such situation, is
               they will accept the supremacy        itself a big Question.
               of the Quran.
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