Page 166 - Pure Life 25
P. 166
Applying Islamic Values of Management … A.H Khichi1 and S.R.H Razavi/ 165
2. Enactment of Sharia are not according to Islam and
Law in Pakistan not willing to accept.
Pakistan has been recently in The Islamic management
the violent controversy of system can be brought to the
Sharia law (Islamic place where people are ready
management system). It is for it and willing to adopt the
understood from the Islamic laws of Islam. Sharia (Islam
point of view that if the management system) is the
majority of the people are only law from the Islam and
Muslims, they have a right to on the right path; But the
bring Islamic management question here how far can this
system known as Sharia. It is law be transformed into
further believed that if a legislation for running a
Muslim has a belief in Quran, political government?
then he/she must do things The most fundamental issue
according to Sharia. It is to legalize the Islamic system
obligatory on him to purpose is the unity which
such system for himself and unfortunately in Pakistan;
for the society. people are divided by race,
Muslims of Pakistan should clan, tribes, faith and political
follow the logical conclusion parties. Some people argue if
and endorse sharia law the Islamic management
(Islamic management) and system to introduce then what
make it the only law valid for will happen to minority
the Pakistan. religion Pakistanis.
Many difficulties have been The lack of knowledge in the
pointed out that due to country is forcing non Islamic
constitutional problem; it is law to continue, while Islam is a
hard to bring Sharia into complete religion, which has
Pakistan. In other ways, it given a complete management
becomes difficult for those system including treating Non-
Muslims whose way of living Muslims living in Muslims