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Applying Islamic Values of Management … A.H Khichi1 and S.R.H Razavi/ 161

               become  equally  important  for       in  countries  like  Pakistan  has
               the  existence  of  human  being      never adopted these principles
               in  the  world  and  contributed      and  never  gave  importance  to
               greatly  for  the  prosperity  and    the    human     resources     to
               happiness in all affairs of life.     improve     productivity     and
                  Today,  different  societies       enhanced                business
               are  facing  social,  ethical  and    performance       in     various
               morality  crisis  including  the      businesses in this country.
               society  of  Pakistan  and  their        Waseem  and  Hayat  (1997)
               political   structure    because      investigated     the    political
               their  successive  governments        development of Pakistan based
               never  adopted  the  true  values     on  Islamic  principles  and
               of  Islam  and  management            values  and  conflicts  that
               practices  in  their  respective      created     unstable    political
               governments.  The  research           environment in this country.
               showed  strong  relationship             Constitutionally,  the  state
               between  the  religion  and  the      systems  in  this  country  faced
               ethical  behavior  and  indicated     severe       problems        and
               that it was highly important for      complications        due       to
               the success of a business in the      unorganized and underdeveloped
               Islamic societies.                    provincial       setups      and
                  The  challenging  business         dysfunctionality  of  the  electoral
               environment has created undue         system  prevalent  in  the  country
               competition  in  business  world      with     centralized    authority
               and  indicated  that  human           structure and dominating role of
               resources  have  become  their        the military leadership.
               highly  valuable  assets  and            The  author  highlighted  the
               considered  the  most  powerful       past  five  decades  of  the
               source of dynamism workforce          country  and  indicated  that  the
               assets; But, unfortunately, due       political  structure  of  the
               to  the  negative  policies  of       country  faced  various  phases
               different political governments       of  centralism,  constitutional
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