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Applying Islamic Values of Management … A.H Khichi1 and S.R.H Razavi/ 157

               the  people  and  by  the  people     Familiarity  with  Pakistan
               and it wants that a ruler should      and its System of Government
               rule  not  to  please  himself  but   Pakistan was formed on the name
               to bring happiness to the rules.      of  Islam  and  got  independence
                  Further he added that Ali ibn      on  14   August  1947.  It  was
               Abi-Talib        should        be     Allama  Mohammad  Iqbal  who
               congratulates      for    having      gave this idea of separate nation
               introduced  these  principles  in     for  Muslims  to  Mohammad  Ali
               his  government  and  for  having     Jinnah (The founder of Pakistan).
               written them down for posterity.         The  famous  speech  of
                  The  letter  of  Imam  Ali  is     Jinnah  just  three  days  before
               valuable     document      which      the      independence        was
               highlights  the  Imam  outlook        remarkable example of Islamic
               toward  Islamic  government           state,  where  he  declared  that
               and teaches all the prospects of      “you  are  free,  free  to  go  to
               management.                           temples, you are free to go to
                  Few  of  the  things  as           your  mosques  or  to  any  other
               mentioned  by  Imam  Ali  ibn         places of worship on this state
               Abi-Talib in his letter to Malik      of  Pakistan.  The  vision  of
               Ashtar that:                          Jinnah  was  towards  a  nation
                   -  Communion with God             which  believes  in  Unity,  faith
                   -  Justice                        and discipline, all these which
                   -  Equality                       are  the  important  element  of
                   -  Concern for poor               any Islamic society.
                   -  Need  for  sincere  and           Mohammad Ali Jinnah also
                      honest rule                    emphasizes  that  Muslim  shall
                   -  Typology of People             be enabled to order their living
                   -  Collection             and     in the individual and collective
                      distribution of Taxes          spheres in accordance with the
                   -  Public     interest    and     teachings  and  requirements  of
                      private interest               Islam  as  set  out  in  the  Holy
                   -  Revenue management             Quran and Sunnah.
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