Page 24 - Pure Life 25
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Comparative Nature of Revelation … M.A Shafizadeh and S. As'ad / 23
beings face during their - Explain Ethical Issues
lifetime. Events that involve The Books of “Deuteronomy”,
the salvation and deliverance “Leviticus”, and “Exodus” have
of God. Accordingly, such repeatedly stated that there is a
events have mysteries that strong emphasis on help the
human beings are not able to disabled, treatment of workers
see; But God has revealed the and widows and orphans and
secret to the prophets. (Book of neighbors, keeping their promises
Isaiah: 11) and respecting their parents.
Amos (Prophet) severely
- Life Plan or Rulings attacks the priests who trample
After the migration of the on these issues and tells them:
Israelites and their deliverance “You hate the righteous judges,
from Pharaoh, the Jews needed a you hate those who tell the
religion and rules of life; to this truth, you trample on the rights
end, God gave the Ten of the poor, and etc”. (Book of
Commandments to Moses so that Amos, 5: 11-10; Quoted by
he could teach them to the people. Parcham, 2004: 286)
The revelation contained the
rules and regulations of life - Worship of God
and encouraged people to obey Worship of God has been one
them as long as they followed of the important issues of
the commandments of the law . revelation in the Old
Blessing will come to them in Testament that God commands
the property and wealth of many Moses in ten commandments
tribes and individuals, and they to build a tent of worship with
will overcome the enemies, and certain characteristics.
they will be strengthened and There are also many
approved by God. There will be instances in the “Psalms of
plenty of rain and crops and David” that call to worship God:
other benefits. (Book of “O God! O my king! I
Deuteronomy, 6: 13-20; Quoted will cherish you and
by Parcham, 2004: 285) praise you forever, I