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Comparative Nature of Revelation … M.A Shafizadeh and S. As'ad / 25

               contents  of  all  the  prophets.     but the Jews do not accept any of
               (Kohan, 2003: 141)                    them in their scriptures.
                  It  is  also  necessary  to  state    Christians  believe  in  both
               that  revelation  is  in  the         the  Old  and  New  Testaments
               applications     of   the    Old      of   the    Bible.    The    Old
               Testament, including idiomatic        Testament  represents  the  Old
               and  special  revelation  of  the     Testament  of  God  with  the
               prophets;  because  it  also          Israelites through the prophets
               mentions the revelation and the       before  Christ,  and  the  New
               “Holy  Spirit”  upon  “Balaam         Testament  represents  the  new
               Ba'ur”, if he was not a prophet .     covenant  of  God  through  the
                  The  author  of  the  “Bible       incarnate God- Christ- with all
               Dictionary”, after stating some       human beings.
               of the uses of revelation in the         The  New  Testament  is
               Old       Testament,        says:     written  in  Greek  and  consists
               Generally,  the  meaning  of          of 27 books, which are divided
               revelation     is    inspiration;     into four sections:
               (Karimi,        2008:        394)         -  The “Gospels” include the
               Therefore,  it  can  be  said  that          “Gospel  of  Matthew”,
               the    sum     and    result   of            “Gospel     of    Matthew
               revelation in Judaism is briefly             Mark”,      “Gospel     of
               as  follows:  the  Torah  along              Matthew     Luke”      and
               with  the  Sunnah  of  Moses                 “Gospel of Matthew John”.
               (Tankh)  and  the  Talmud                 -   “Acts  of  the  Apostles”
               (Interpretation and explanation              contains  a  book  on  the
               of the Torah).                               biography of the apostles.
                                                         -   “Letters of the Apostles”
               Revelation  in  the  New                     including 13 letters.
               Testament (Christianity)                  -   Revelation  contains  a
               The  New  Testament  contains                book  called  “Book  of
               books that only Christians accept;           Revelation”. (Apocalypse
                                                            of John)
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