Page 38 - Pure Life 25
P. 38

Comparative Nature of Revelation … M.A Shafizadeh and S. As'ad / 37

                      We  gave  the  Psalms.            Therefore,      the      word
                      (Quran, 4: 163)                revelation in its Quranic usage
                   •  It  is  not  fitting  for  a   does  not  refer  to  legislative
                      man  that  Allah  should       revelation  and  the  connection
                      speak  to  him  except  by     between God's special message
                      inspiration,    or   from      to  the  prophets;  Although  the
                      behind a veil, or by the       common meaning of the term is
                      sending  of  a  messenger      the   same;     Therefore,    the
                      to  reveal,  with  Allah's     secrecy     of     the     divine
                      permission,  what  Allah       knowledge of the prophets has
                      wills:  for  He  is  Most      caused it to be called revelation
                      High,      Most     Wise.      in the Holy Quran .
                      (Quran, 42: 51)                   In  divine  revelation  to  the
                                                     prophets  there  is  the  same
                  In  a  general  division,  the     main attribute of symbolic and
               types  of  revelation  can  be        immediate awareness; That is,
               presented  in  the  following         the divine messengers received
               formulation :                         the  prophetic  message  of  God
                   -  Direct  revelation  from       quickly  and  secretly  from  the
                      the    God     that    the     understanding      of     others.
                      message  is  instilled  in     (Saeedi Roshan, 2009: 18)
                      the heart of the Prophet          Allameh             Tabatabai
                      without intermediaries .       regarding    the    quality    of
                   -  Revelation  through  the       revelation by the Holy Prophet
                      angel  who  either  sees       believes that he considered the
                      the  angel  himself  or        Quran  to  be  an  angel  of
                      only hears his message .       revelation  with  his  soul,  That
                   -  Hearing  a  voice  behind      is,  with  his  whole  being,  and
                      the  veil  and  behind  the    not  through  physical  and
                      curtain or creating a face;    sensory  means.  (Tabatabai,
                      in such a way that no one      2007: 121)
                      hears except the Prophet
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