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               34  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 13-47, Winter 2021
               legislative guidance; However,               this  inspiration  to  the
               a  few  instances  of  the  use  of          mother      of    Moses:
               this word in the Quran indicate              Suckle  (thy  child);  But
               that  the  concept  of  revelation           when  thou  hast  fears
               in  the  Quran  has  a  wide                 about him, cast him into

               meaning,  both  in  terms  of  its           the river”, (Quran, 28: 7)
               recipient  and  destination,  as             it   means     that    we
               well  as  its  sender  and  origin,          brought  these  things  to
               although  in  all  cases  its                the  mind  of  Moses'
               general meaning means “Rapid                 mother  or  threw  them
               and      covert      disclosure”,            into      her       heart.
               whether true or false.                       (Iskandarloo, 2000: 21)
                  Some of the Quranic uses of               Considering that she was
               the  word  revelation  are  as  the          not  a  pious  lady  of  the
               following description:                       Prophet,  revelation  in
                   -  Inspiration  or  learning             this     Verse      means
                      information  from  an                 inspiration           and
                      unseen             origin:            contemplation     in   the
                      Sometimes        thoughts             heart;  That  is,  the  same
                      subconsciously       enter            hidden understanding, so
                      the  human  mind,  which              if  the  word  revelation  is
                      comes  in  two  forms,  in            applied  to  evil  instincts
                      some cases, this thought              and  temptations,  it  is
                      is foul and its source is             because  such  instincts

                      evil : “But  the  evil  ones          are hidden.
                      ever     inspire     their            On the other hand, what
                      friends  to  contend  with            is  called  “telepathy”
                      you”,  (Quran,  6:  121)              today  is  a  kind  of
                      and     sometimes     this            inspiration.          The
                      thought  is  honorable,               transfer of thought from
                      because  its  source  is              one  person  to  another

                      Rahmani : “So  we  sent               that  is  accepted  in  the
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