Page 33 - Pure Life 25
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               32  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (25): 13-47, Winter 2021
                      Unseen,  Him  and  His                With it came down the spirit
                      messengers:  For  Allah               of Faith and Truth. To thy
                      is  Full  of  Strength,               heart  and  mind,  that  thou
                      Exalted  in  Might  (and              mayest  admonish.  In  the
                      able  to  enforce  His                perspicuous Arabic tongue.
                      Will). (Quran, 57: 25)                (Quran, 26: 193-195)

                  Allameh Tabatabai writes in           What  is  meant  by  “Ruh  al-
               the interpretation of this Verse:     Amin”  is  Gabriel,  who  is  the
               The meaning of “Bayyinat” is          angel  of  revelation.  The  word
               the  Verses  of  “Bayyinat”  and      “heart”  in  the  words  of  the
               it  is  emphasized  that  the         God, wherever it is used, is the
               messengers are sent by God.           truth  of  man  to  which
                  The  content  of  Verses,          perception  and  consciousness
               miracles, clear evangelism and        are  attributed,  not  the  spruce-
               conclusive  proofs,  and  the         shaped heart located on the left
               meaning  of  “book”  is  the          side of the body.
               revelation     that    has    the        Allameh Tabatabai writes in
               authority to write and become         the following Verse:
               a  book  and  its  instructions              Perhaps the fact that  in
               include  religious  teachings,               the  sentence  “With  it
               such  as  beliefs  and  righteous            came down the  spirit  of
               deeds.  (Tabatabai,  1997,  Vol.             Faith  and  Truth,  to  thy
               19: 171)                                     heart and mind” the foot
                  Prophets are the mediators of             of the heart and did not
               divine grace from God for people             say  that  the  trustworthy
               to bring them to salvation. These            spirit revealed it to you,
               are  the  ones  who  receive                 is a mention to how the
               knowledge  and  perfection  from             Prophet       of      God
               God  through  human  education               considered  the  revelation
               and convey it to the people. This            and  the  Quran  to  be
               knowledge  is  revealed  to  the             revealed?     And    from
               heart of the Prophet                         that,  what  took  the
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