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Ethical Principles of Social Activity … Z.S Hosseini et al / (99

               and  woman  in  case  of  fear  of       Physical contact in jurisprudence:
               committing a sin is forbidden.        Whoever  is  forbidden  to  look
               (Bani-Hashemi  Khomeini,  2004,       at, his touch is also forbidden;
               Vol. 2: 493)                          therefore, it is not permissible
                                                     for  non-mahram  men  and
               Principle 7: Avoid Physical           women  to  touch  each  other;
               Contact with Non-Mahrams              but if we believe in looking at
               In  physical  contact  with  the      the  face  and  the  shroud,  we
               opposite sex, there is the most       will not be allowed to touch it.
               irritability. Hence, we see that         Therefore, it is not permissible

               in other forms of communication,      for a man to shake hands with
               ie    looking,    talking,   and      a non-mahram woman, although
               communicating with the opposite       it is permissible if it is made of
               sex,  it  is  allowed  if  it  is  not   cloth  and  clothing;  but  the
               with  the  intention  of  sexual      precaution  is  not  to  shake  his
                                                     hand.  (Imam  Khomeini,  2012,
               intercourse; but physical contact,    Vol. 2: 231; Makarem Shirazi,

               including  shaking  hands  and        2017, Vol. 2: 352-353; Bahjat,
               shaking  hands  with  a  non-         2006: 375)
               mahram, is not allowed at all.           Avoiding       illicit    sex:
                  According to the narration:        Adultery,  as  one  of  the  great
                      “Whoever shakes hands          sins, destroys the spirit of faith
                      with  a  non-mahram            in  man.  According  to  the
                      woman,  will  come  on         Prophet of God and his family:
                      the  Day  of  Judgment                “When  a  man  commits
                      with  his  hands  tied                adultery,  the  spirit  of
                      around  his  neck.  Then              faith  will  be  separated
                      the order comes to take               from  him”.  (Kulayni,
                      him to hell”. (Hurr Amili,            2008, Vol. 3: 387)
                      1988, Vol. 20: 198)
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