Page 102 - Pure Life 26
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Ethical Principles of Social Activity … Z.S Hosseini et al / (101

               seeks  to  approach  it;  If  the            “Say  to  the  believing
               ground  for  sin  is  provided  for          men  that  they  should
               him outside, he will not refrain             lower  their  gaze  and
               from it. (Gholami, 2012: 112-114)            guard  their  modesty:
                  This is where a lustful look              that  will  make  for
               can  lead  to  misery  and  ruin.            greater purity for them:

               Therefore, we read in a hadith               And     Allah    is   well
               from Imam Sadiq:                             acquainted with all that
                      “Look  after  look  sows              they do”.
                      the  seed  of  lust  in  the          “And      say    to    the
                      heart  and  it  is  enough            believing  women  that
                      to  draw  the  viewer  to             they  should  lower  their

                      sedition”. (Saduq, 1992,              gaze  and  guard  their
                      Vol. 4: 18)                           modesty; that they should
                                                            not display their beauty
                  Because the lustful look at a             and  ornaments  except
               non-mahram man or woman is                   what  (must  ordinarily)
               one of the arrows of the devil               appear  thereof;  that

               (Ibid) and sows the seed of lust             they  should  draw  their
               in  the  heart;  (Majlisi,  2006,            veils  over  their  bosoms
               Vol.  14:  325)  And  how  many              and  not  display  their
               perversions  and  crimes  that               beauty  except  to  their
               happen  through  one  look  has              husbands,  their  fathers,
               fallen.                                      their  husband's  fathers,
                  Thus,  the  Quran  instructs              their sons, their husbands'
               Muslim men and women look                    sons,  their  brothers  or

               to maintain their:
                                                            their  brothers'  sons,  or
                                                            their  sisters'  sons,  or
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