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98 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 91-106, Spring 2021
mosque and said: “If we leave These recommendations are
this door for women”; all in terms of maintaining the
(Sijistani, 2004, Vol. 1: 180) health of the individual and
this means that the door should society in terms of morality
be reserved for women to and spirituality and etc.
travel so that even when
entering or leaving the mosque, Principle 6: Avoiding Privacy
there is no mixing between with Non-Mahrams
non-mahram men and women. The Holy Prophet quotes Iblis
In fact, the Holy Prophet as as saying:
the ruler of the Islamic society Iblis said to Moses:
with these measures, paid full “Never be alone with a
attention to protecting the non-mahram woman,
society from moral deviations and a non-mahram
and sexual corruption and woman should not be
provided the grounds for strengthening
social modesty. alone with you; because
In order to prevent women no man is alone with a
and men from colliding while non-mahram woman,
crossing crowded paths, he unless I personally am
ordered men to cross the their friend and companion”.
middle of the street and women (Kulayni, 2008, Vol. 19: 152)
to cross the side: Since such areas are always
“There is no benefit for the field of Satan's invasion
women in the middle of and he tries hard to create the
the road; but to walk in ground for deviation on both
the middle”. (Kulayni, 2008, sides, in Islamic law, the
Vol. 11: 183 and 191)
solitude of a non-mahram man