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               132  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 121-144, Spring 2021
               that  was  mentioned  in  the                argument in it, whether
               hadiths  of  the  Ahl  al-Bayt,              it  is  apparent,  well-
               which  is  that  we  can  benefit            known or hidden, and it
               from the Imam from his occultation.          is  not  devoid  until  the
                  In  the  hadith  on  the                  Hour  is  established  of
               authority of Jabir bin Abdullah              God’s  argument  in  it,
               Ansari  that  he  asked  the                 and  if  it  were  not  for
               Prophet: Do the Shiites benefit              that,  God  would  not  be
               from  the  Qa’im,  in  his                   worshiped”. (Juwayni al-

               occultation? He said:                        Shafi’i, 1978, Vol. 1: 46)
                      “Yes, I swear by the one
                      who  sent  me  with               It  was  mentioned  in  the
                      prophecy,  they  benefit       signature  issued  by  Imam
                      from  him,  and  they  are     Mahdi to Ishaq bin Yaqoub:
                      illuminated  by  the  light           “As  for  the  way  of

                      of  his  guardianship  in             benefiting    from     me
                      his  absence,  as  people             during  my  occultation,
                      benefit  from  the  sun,              it is like benefiting from
                      even  if  its  gloominess             the sun when the clouds
                      the  clouds”.  (Saduq,                are  hidden  from  view”.
                      2011, Part. 1: 253)                   (Tusi, 2012: 177)

                                                        We  understand  from  these
                  And  in  another  hadith  on
               the  authority  of  Imam  Sadiq,      three  hadiths  that  despite  the
               that he said:                         long  absence  of  the  Imam  in
                      “Since  God  created           which corruption and injustice
                      Adam, the earth has not        prevail, the earth is not without
                      been  devoid  of  God’s        an  Imam  who  spreads  benefit
                                                     to  his  followers  as  the  sun
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