Page 132 - Pure Life 26
P. 132

The Philosophy of the Great Occultation … A. Hamade and K. Albunasir / (131

                              “And     if   you             that  it  includes,  and
                              become  one  day              steadfastness  on  the
                              when you do not               approach of the Ahl al-Bayt:
                              see  any  of  them                   “There will come
                              (The Imams), then                    a time for people
                              seek  help  from                     when  their  Imam

                              God Almighty and                     will  be  absent
                              look at the Sunnah                   from them”. (Saduq,
                              that you were upon                   2011, Part. 15: 330;
                              and follow it and                    Majlisi,     2006,
                              love  whom  you                      Vol. 52: 145)
                              used  to  love  and

                              hate whomever you         These     are     the    most
                              hated, how quickly     prominent  costs  related  to  the
                              will  relief  come     era  of  occultation,  and  there
                              to  you”.  (Saduq,     are  costs  related  to  some
                              2011,  Part.  8:       accidents  that  occur  during  it
                              328; Majlisi, 2006,    or  some  signs  of  appearance,
                              Vol. 52: 136)          or  to  be  careful  when  some
                   -  Strengthening  the  faith      signs  appear  close  to the  time

                      entity and advising each       of appearance.
                      other  with  the  pure         The Way to Benefit from the
                      Islamic right, and advising    Imam in the Major Occultation
                      one  another  on  pouring      Although the Imam has a long
                      out, which is one of the       major  occultation  that  has  its

                      costs that are confirmed       causes;  but  it  is  necessary  to
                      in  the  era  of  absence      point  out  an  important  point
                      due  to  the  difficulties
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