Page 22 - Pure Life 26
P. 22

Differences in the Issue of Atheism… S. Fahs and M.H.H al-askari / (21

               which meant that most are left               our  Arabic  and  Islamic
               with unanswered questions due                countries  in  order  to
               to their lack of knowledge and               attract    the     largest
               insufficiency of resources around            possible    number      of
               them resulting in them resorting             youths to their side and

               to atheism.                                  influence  their  way  of
                                                            thinking  to  a  more
               Reasons of Atheism in the East               westernised      ideology

               Atheism  is  not  a  modern                  which were then used as
               concept  rather  it  has  ancient            tools against Islam.
               roots  starting  from  Ibn  al-           -  The  openness  of  our
               Rawendi      who      questioned             countries  to  Western
               prophethood, rejected Abrahamic              cultures      and      the
               religions and heavily criticized             replacement  of  religion

               the Quran.                                   by     secularism     that
                  Other people such as Ibn al-              emerged after the French
               Mukaffa  or  Abu  Bakr  al-Razi              Revolution and infiltrated
               were  also  in  the  same  boat.             most  of  our  Islamic
               This  however  was  a  small                 countries. This increased
               fraction  compared  to  the                  the  number  of  atheists
               number of atheists nowadays.                 especially in the younger
                  The reason of the growth in               generation  where  they

               the  popularity  of  the  new                would copy the west in
               atheism in the East during the               their  ideals,  referred  to
               first decade of the twenty first             by the write Mohammad
               century was due to:                          Nasser  in  his  book
                   -  The  west  in  their  war             Atheism  as  he  said  the
                      against  Islam  started               intense  fascination  with

                      exporting  atheism  to                the  social  and  political
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