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               26  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 13-30, Spring 2021
                  Another  example  was  from        book: “Outgrowing God” said:
               the  great  philosopher  in  the      Now  a  few  more  names  for
               west,  a  French  physician  and      people who don’t believe.
               historian  called:  Gustave  Le          There are many who  prefer
               Bon.  In  his  book:  “The            to  avoid  the  word  “atheist”,
               Civilization  of  the  Muslim         some  simply  say:  “I  don’t
               Arabs”, he stated:                    know, we can’t know”.
                      “The  civilization  of  the       These  people  often  call
                      Muslim      Arabs      has     themselves  “agnostics”  and
                      introduced  the  brutal        some of them think it’s equally

                      European  nations  into        likely  that  God  does  or  does
                      the  world  of  humanity,      not exist. (Dawkins, 2019: 11)
                      and  that  the  university        Richard  Dawkins  in  his
                      of the west did not know       book: “Outgrowing God” Also
                      any  scientific  resource      said:
                      for  them  except  the                “when people say there

                      works of the Arabs, they              are  atheists,  they  don’t
                      are    the    ones    who             mean  they  can  prove
                      civilized    Europe      is           that  there  are  no  gods.
                      material,  intellect  and             Strictly  speaking,  it  is
                      moral, and history does               impossible to prove that
                      not  know  a  nation  that            something     does     not
                      produced  what  they                  exist.     We       don’t
                      produced is reasonable”.              positively  know  there

                      (Le Bon, 1974: 276)                   are       no       gods”.
                                                            (Dawkins, 2019: 13)
                  Richard  Dawkins  who  is
               usually     labelled    as     an        During      one     of     his
               “outspoken atheist” also in his       interviews        with        the
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