Page 26 - Pure Life 26
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Differences in the Issue of Atheism… S. Fahs and M.H.H al-askari / (25

               Alister  McGrath  who  wrote             In  the  end  he  had  to  admit
               books to reply to heavy atheist       that indeed the universe has an
               believers.                            almighty God and atheism was
                  The  main  book  off  his  was     an empty theory.  He claimed
               called: “The Dawkins Delusion”        that he was following the trails

               where in response to Dawkins          leading him to believing in the
               he said:                              existence of a God as he says:
                      “It  is  clear  that  a               “Since  this  is  a  book
                      response of some sort is              about why I changed my
                      needed  to  the  God                  mind       about       the
                      Delusion, if only because             existence     of   God”.
                      the  absence  of  one
                      might  persuade  some                 (Flew, 2007: 27)
                      that no answer could be           He said that when he found
                      given”.  (McGrath  and
                      McGrath, 2007: 11)             out about the existence of God,
                                                     it  shook  his  foundations  at  its
               The Fate of Atheism                   core  stating  that  “it  was  a

               Atheist     philosophers      and     journey of the mind and not a
               scientists believed that science      journey of faith”.
               clashed with their faith in God          Three  years  before  his
               and as they went further down         deaths  he  issued  his  book
               the  line,  they  realized  that
               religion and science go hand in       “There  is  God”  which  meant
               hand  causing  their  atheistic       his  past  work  consisting  of
               beliefs to fade away.                 around     30    books     about
                  One example is the English         philosophical research all went
               philosopher  Antony  Garrard          to waste as he said:
               Newton Flew who changed his                  “I  now  believe  there  is
               mind after spending more than                a God”. (Flew, 2007: 25)
               fifty years establishing atheism.
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