Page 24 - Pure Life 26
P. 24

Differences in the Issue of Atheism… S. Fahs and M.H.H al-askari / (23

                      more  people  have  a                 long  prison  sentences,
                      negative  impression  of              exilation  and  others
                      Islam     and    therefore            threatened with execution.
                      resorting  to  Atheism             -  Furthermore,      another
                      which  is  labelled  as               cause of this is through

                      more open and entertaining.           the wrong upbringing of
                   -  Suffering,  recent  wars              children  and  the  absence
                      and  famines  in  the                 of a religious environment
                      middle  east  has  also               which helps to lead to a
                      helped to contribute to a             loss of religious knowledge
                      larger     number       of            and  pushes  these  youth

                      atheists due to the belief            to resorting to atheism.
                      that  if  God  were  real          -  Another     key     factor
                      then  there  would  be  no            behind  the  emergence
                      suffering and inequality              of  new  atheism  is  the
                      in the world.                         revolution  in  global
                   -  Another  reason  for  this            media,  especially  the
                      is    due     to    facing            dramatic  use  of  the
                      questions  of  atheists               internet  and  the  press,

                      with repression, intimidation         in which atheism is seen
                      and  violence  which  has             as  having  a  large,
                      led to some reaction and              significant positive effect
                      aversion from.                        on  one's  life  where  it
                   -  religion  which  can  be              helps to lead to a larger
                      seen through some Arab                freedom  of  speech  and

                      countries     in    where             actions. Therefore, attracting
                      atheists are treated more             more  people  towards
                      fatally    than     others            this  belief.  (Masterson,
                      where  they  can  face                1971)
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