Page 25 - Pure Life 26
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24 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 13-30, Spring 2021
Solutions It is vital that even if we
Allah says in his Glorious Book: have disagreements, we should
“Those who listen to the always have a degree of
Word, and follow the respect towards them while
best (meaning) in it: also keeping a close eye on
Those are the ones their actions.
whom Allah has guided, Also, parents and guardians
and those are the ones should be able to raise their
endued with understanding”. kids on the right beliefs and
(Quran, 39: 18) educate them in a moral way
by answering any questions
The first way in which that might be thrown at them.
atheism can be “solved” is As well as ensuring that
evident through the actions of their kids are surrounded by a
Imam Sadiq where he would good group of friends in a safe
listen carefully and show environment so they could
respect to the opposing side thrive and make better decisions.
and take into consideration the Islamic scholars and
reason behind their thoughts. educators hold a role in also
Such as how he was very forming communities for
careful with his words and to youth awareness and educating
not label them as infidels. them with all the Islamic
Therefore, scholars and religious ethics to keep them
educators should have open interested and up to date which
discussions and debates with will strengthen their religious
atheists where they can have beliefs in the long run.
any doubts or concerns cleared up. Scholars should write books
( that refute the suspicions of
g/imamreza.php?id=8621) atheists. Such as people like