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               78  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 75-89, Spring 2021

               The Concept of Culture                spiritual    realm,    and     is
               There  are  more  than  450           manifested  in  the  form  of
               definitions  of  culture,  and  of    material and spiritual values.
               the  various  definitions  of            Material    values    include
               culture,  the  following  are  of     human  achievements  in  the

               particular importance:                material  realm,  such  as  tools,
                   -  Existentialism                 objects, and achievements that
               In  this  view,  culture  is  a       have  been  discovered  or
               combination      of   existential     produced.  Spiritual  values,  on
               experiences  recognizable  by         the    other    hand,    include
               living  within  a  particular         achievements  that  have  no
               culture.  In  this  sense,  culture   material aspect. Such as values,
               can  not  be  defined  except         patterns,  criteria,  theories  and

               through  the  inner  experience       ideas and concepts and models.
               gained by living in the context          Some  cultural  phenomena,
               of that culture. Thus, not every      including the creative arts, fall
               culture  is  understandable  to       into both groups of values.
               strangers.                               Edgar  Moran,  in  defining
                                                     culture from a structural point
                   -  Structuralism                  of view, considers culture as a
               This  view  emphasizes  the           system  that  has  a  central  core
               constituent elements of culture       and four peripheral subsystems.
               in  its  definition;  And  he            At the core of this system is
               considers     culture   as    the     the dark and unknown realm of
               product  of  man's  dynamic           ontology and cosmology. This

               interaction with the environment,     field  seeks to  find  appropriate
               to meet the needs that arise in       answers to fundamental human
               every  stage  of  human  social       questions  -such  as  who  I  am,
               movement, in the material and
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