Page 82 - Pure Life 26
P. 82

Indigenous Cultural Convergence … Kh. Ahmadi Bighash and M. Ghamarzadeh / (81

                  The     Price     Waterhouse       industries  accounted  for  more
               Coopers Institute forecasts $ 1.8     than 7 percent of world GDP.
               trillion in global entertainment         The    market     for    these

               and  media  spending  for  2010,      industries  is  dominated  by  a
               predicting continued growth in        few  high-income  countries.
               the sector.                           The  share  of  developing
                  The     institute   considers      countries  in  the  export  of
               digital  distribution  channels       cultural    goods,      although
               and reduction of losses due to        increased,  has  been  less  than

               illegal printing and reproduction,    one percent.
               and  of  course  the  growth  and        In  2002,  the  European
               prosperity of Asian markets as        Union, with 15 member states,
               effective factors in this growth.     accounted  for  51.8  percent  of
                  The volume of global trade         exports  and  40.6  percent  of
               in cultural goods has increased       global  imports  of  cultural
               fivefold  over  the  past  two        goods; And in 1994, this share

               decades;  but  its  share  of  total   was  54.3  percent  for  exports
               world trade has remained very         and 43.1 percent for imports.
               small and stable. In 1980, this          Asia,  with  a  share  of  20.6
               share  was  2.5  percent,  which      percent,  is  the  second  largest
               increased to 3.8 percent in 1990.     exporter  in  the  world.  North
                  Data collection and analysis       America is in third place with

               of 120 countries by UNESCO            a  decrease  in  its  share  of
               show  that  between  1994  and        exports compared to 1994.
               2002,  international  trade  in          The share of US imports in
               cultural  goods  increased  from      2002  increased  compared  to
               $ 38 billion to $ 60 billion, and     the previous year. 30.1 percent
               that  the  creative  and  cultural    in  2002,  compared  to  26.7
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