Page 84 - Pure Life 26
P. 84

Indigenous Cultural Convergence … Kh. Ahmadi Bighash and M. Ghamarzadeh / (83

               the same because of having the            -  Say:  “O  People  of  the
               same divine nature.                          Book! come to common
                  In the Quran, God refers to               terms as between us and
               the  unity  of  human  creation,             you:  That  we  worship
               and  states  the  reason  for  the           none but Allah; that we
               apparent differences in human                associate  no  partners
               creation:  That  human  beings               with  him;  that  we  erect

               should  know  each  other  and               not,     from      among
               know  that  the  best  of  them  is          ourselves,  Lords  and
               the one who practices piety.                 patrons     other    than
                  In the following verses:                  Allah”. If then they turn
                   -  “And  hold  fast,  all                back,  say  ye:  “Bear
                      together,  by  the  rope              witness  that  we  (at
                      which  Allah  (stretches
                      out for you), and be not              least)    are    Muslims
                      divided among yourselves;             (bowing to Allah's Will)”.
                      and     remember      with            (Quran, 3: 64)
                      gratitude Allah's favour
                      on  you;  for  ye  were           God Almighty has recommended
                      enemies  and  He  joined       the   issue    of   unity    and
                      your  hearts  in  love,  so    convergence  of  religions  and
                      that  by  His  Grace,  ye      emphasized  the  commonalities,
                      became  brethren;  And         and  considers  any  diversity
                      ye were on the brink of        and  difference  to  be  known,
                      the  pit  of  Fire,  and  He
                      saved you from it. Thus        not a reason for conflict.
                      doth  Allah  make  His            In fact, the Quran raises the
                      Signs clear to you: That       issue of unity among believers
                      ye  may  be  guided”.          in God above the issue of unity
                      (Quran, 3: 103)                among  Muslims.  So  faith  in
                                                     God  is  not  the  only  cause  of
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