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               82  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 75-89, Spring 2021

               percent  in  1994,  the  United       competition  has  even  shifted
               States is the largest importer of     from  the  realm  of  economics
               cultural  goods.  The  United         to  the  realm  of  culture,  and
               States, Germany, the  UK, and         that  the  economy  itself  takes
               France  accounted  for  47            on  a  cultural  nature;  Because
               percent of imports. The United        no  industry  can  continue  to

               Kingdom  was  the  largest            grow  without  marketing,  and
               exporter,  followed  by  the          all  industries,  both  emerging
               United  States  and  the  United      and  surviving,  depend  on
               States.  Cultural  goods  have        marketing.
               grown  tenfold  from  $  5.5             Cultural    industries,   too,
               billion to $ 57 billion.              cannot  grow  and  develop
                  There  are  three  different       without     marketing.     These
               models  of  cultural  interaction     industries, by their very nature,
                                                     need  cultural  marketing,  and
               in different areas:                   that  is  the  cultural  nature  of
                   -  Cultural Borrowing Model       economics. (Price Waterhouse
                   -  Cultural Exchanges Model       Coopers,  2006-2010;  UNESCO
                   -  Cultural Imposition Model      Institute for Statistics, 2005)

                  With  the  advent  of  cultural    The  Strategy  of  the  Holy

               industries,  competition  in  the     Quran  in  Creating  and
               field  of  culture  is  also          Sustaining World Peace
               surprisingly  ongoing;  As  one       All human beings are creatures
               of the names of the present era       of  a  god  who  spread  and  live
               was  called  “Age  of  Cultural       in different parts of the earth.
               Explosions”.                             Environmental requirements

                  Many  thinkers  have  called       have  given  rise  to  some
                                                     different  traditions.  The  basis
               the  21st  century  the  “century     of the sharing of cultures in the
               of  culture”  and  believe  that      nature  of  all  human  beings  is
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