Page 87 - Pure Life 26
P. 87
86 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (26): 75-89, Spring 2021
The call for unity and the the tools of culture and
emphasis on relying on ethnicity to cause various
commonalities are the basis of tensions and conflicts.
the call to Islam. The approach
of inevitability will be Conclusion
destructive when it becomes In the present age, cultural
the official policy of other dialogue and the convergence
states of inefficiency. of cultures are essential;
In this case, the exclusion of Because the idea and reality of
others based on cultural cultural exclusion has eroded
characteristics becomes a formal the satisfaction of many people.
policy. The current anti- The refutation of the theory
Islamism and Islamophobia in of theorists who see destruction
the West is an example of this. and reconstruction as the only
It should be noted that the way out of the crisis, the
principle of diversity and refutation of the theory of
convergence of cultures, which theorists who prescribe the war
plays an important role in of civilizations based on the
relations between countries, is notion of inequality between
also true within countries and humans and civilizations; The
relations between different more powerful Anso will raise
cultural and ethnic groups. their flag triumphantly, and the
Therefore, wherever and end of history has come with
whenever a cultural and ethnic the victory of liberal democracy.
group feels deprived of a The idea of a world of one
proper and rational share of color, the same and without
power, wealth, and social and diversity, is a terrible idea and
cultural equations, it relies on image. The traditional models
of intercultural dialogue defined