Page 86 - Pure Life 26
P. 86

Indigenous Cultural Convergence … Kh. Ahmadi Bighash and M. Ghamarzadeh / (85

               find  answers  to  the  important     express  themselves  freely  in
               questions in our minds.               this   neutral    space;     And
                  God says in the Holy Quran:        communicate with each other.
                      “We have honoured the             An approach of intransigence,
                      sons of Adam; provided         exclusivism,  exploitation,  and
                      them  with  transport  on      repression  of  other  cultures
                      land  and  sea;  given         promotes  discord  and  hatred,

                      them  for  sustenance          while an attitude of respect for
                      things  good  and  pure;       cultural  diversity  promotes
                      And  conferred  on  them       friendship  between  human
                      special favours, above a       beings.
                      great    part    of    our        God says:

                      creation”. (Quran, 17: 70)            “O      mankind!       We

                  The  key  to  the  success  of            created  you  from  a
               the  convergence  of  cultures  is           single  (pair)  of  a  male
               the  acceptance  of  the  equality           and a female, and made
               of the parties to the dialogue in            you  into  nations  and
               human dignity.                               tribes, that ye may know

                  The     premise     of     any            each  other  (not  that  ye
               intercultural  dialogue  is  to              may     despise     (each
               recognize  and  respect  the                 other).  Verily  the  most
               various  forms  of  knowledge                honoured  of  you  in  the
               and  how  they  are  expressed,              sight of Allah is (he who
               the  customs  and  traditions  of            is) the most righteous of
               the parties to the dialogue, and             you.  And  Allah  has  full

               the  effort  to  create  a  neutral          knowledge  and  is  well
               cultural  space  for  dialogue  so           acquainted     (with    all
               that different communities can               things)”. (Quran, 49: 13)
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