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               16  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (27): 13-26, Summer 2021

               potential presence of stressors.      the  order  is  a  balance.  If  we
               It is a homeostatic psychological     compare  the  soul  with  a
               state,  which  results  in  the       musical  instrument,  then  the
               optimal functioning of the mind.      inner  calm  state  is  when  the
                  Peace of mind and harmony          strings  of  the  soul  sound
               one  of  the  prerequisites  for      harmoniously  and  naturally.
               finding  a  complete  and  happy      The  sound  is  beautiful  and
               life.  We  feel  more  confident      pleasant  for  everyone;  but
               and full when we are in a state       when  we  are  tense  and  fussy,
               of inner peace. This is the state     the  music  will  be  strained,

               when      we    are    balanced,      unnatural, and unpleasant.
               attentive, and conscious.                Staying  in  the  peace  of
                  Being  in  critical  situations    mind, we are full of energy and
               or  circumstances  that  are  not     in a good mood, we efficiently
               comfortable  for  us,  peace          manage  to  resist  the  illnesses
               begins to leave us; but having        and bad attitude of others, and
               resumed  classes  that  help  to      we  are  better  at  doing  any

               find  inner  silence,  life  is       work,    we     become      more
               gradually  improving  again.          creative; we analyze better and
               (Blank and Burau, 2014)               solve  problems  faster.  When
                  Many  people  pass  through        peace  of  mind  leaves  us,  and
               this  circle.  From  this,  we  can   we  get  out  of  balance,  the
               conclude  if  you  do  not  have      energy    drops,    we     attract

               time for rest, it means that it is    depression  and  illness.  During
               necessary for you.                    the  internal  stress,  we  do  not
                  Peace  of  mind  is  a  state  of   get much as we would like, and
               harmony with oneself and with         we make more mistakes.
               the whole world; but above all,
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