Page 19 - Pure Life 27
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               18  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (27): 13-26, Summer 2021
                      in  the  shade.  They  will           all  those  who  seek  his
                      have fruit and whatever               pure life to the ways of
                      they  call  for.  “Peace!”            peace  and  he  brings
                      The  word  will  reach                them out of darkness by
                      them from a compassionate             his  will  unto  light  and
                      Lord”. (Quran, 36: 54-56)             guides them to a straight
                                                            way”. (Quran, 5: 15-16)
                  Commentators  have  noted
               that this verse seems to demonstrate     World  peace,  or  peace  on
               a progression, from delight and       earth, is the concept of an ideal

               repose to the heavenly fruit and      state  of  happiness,  freedom,
               finally  to  the  highest  level  of   and  peace  within  and  among
               paradise,  where  God  himself        all  people  and  nations  on
               wishes peace and wellbeing on         Planet earth.
               the saved.                               Within  this  idea  of  the
                  In  Islam  or  Christianity,       world,  nonviolence  is  one

               religion  or  culture,  people  can   motivation  for  people  and
               come  up  with  millions  of          nations to willingly cooperate,
               reasons  to  justify  their  actions   either  voluntarily  or  by  virtue
               and behavior; but what remains        of a system of governance that
               true is the source itself.            has  this  objective.  Different
                                                     cultures, religions, philosophies,
               Islamic View on Inner Peace
               Allah the almighty said to us:        and organizations have varying
                                                     concepts  on  how  such  a  state
                      “Indeed,     there     has     would come about.
                      come to you from God a            Various religious and secular
                      light  and  a  clear  book     organizations  have  the  stated
                      wherewith  God  guides
                                                     aim of achieving world peace;
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