Page 22 - Pure Life 27
P. 22
Inner Peace … A.A Barati and M. Fahami / (21
Muḥammad had been provision was made for the
approaching Mecca with return of any Meccan who
approximately 1,400 followers might flee to Medina without
in order to perform the ʿumrah permission from his guardian;
although a similar provision
pilgrimage as directed in a for muslims going to Mecca
dream. The Meccans, was not stipulated. Finally, the
however, humiliated by their various tribes could ally
inability to besiege Medina themselves with either the
(March 627), would not allow Meccans or the muslims, as
Muḥammad entry into their they wish. (Ref: Mutahhari, 2020)
city. Instead, a Meccan According to Imam Ali's
delegation met the muslims at statements:
their stopping place, al- “Every human you
Ḥudaybiyah, situated about 9 encounter is your
miles (14.5 km) outside brother either in your
Mecca, to negotiate a treaty, faith or in creation”.
thereby acknowledging the (
equality of the Muslims as summarized-in-justice-
bargaining partners. A 10-year peace-Indian-scholar)
truce was declared.
Muḥammad then agreed to In any case, he is a fellow
abandon his ʿumrah, on the human. All humans should be
condition that he be allowed to united and loving towards one
enter Mecca the following another; it is not about a
year, at which time the city specific group or community
would be emptied for three
days to allow the Muslims to being united.
perform their rites. In addition,