Page 20 - Pure Life 27
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Inner Peace … A.A Barati and M. Fahami / (19
but we think that world peace between 610 and 632 of the
begins with inner peace. Common Era.
Messenger of God was one in
How Do We Find it? a long series of human prophets
Allah says in his Glorious Book: and messengers from the one
“Behold! verily on the God, standing in a line that
friends of Allah there is includes Abraham, Moses, David,
no fear, nor shall they Solomon, John the Baptist and
grieve”. (Quran, 10:62) Jesus of Nazareth. Each apostle of
God, Muslims hold, has
In contemporary debates on
the roots of muslim radicalism reaffirmed God’s oneness and the
and the character of the need to have faith and live a
religion, it is important to go moral life. In each of these
back to the muslim scripture religions, adherence to the basics
Quran (sometimes spelled in the Ten Commandments given
Koran). Like the Bible, the to Moses is necessary; including
Quran has verses about war as avoiding sins such as theft,
well as peace, peace has been adultery and murder.
insufficiently appreciated, and Peace Making in the Life
war is condemned. of Prophet and the Household
The Quran is believed by In the modern times Islam is
Muslims to have been revealed being projected as intolerant
to messenger of God towards other faiths and
Muhammad ibn Abdullah, a religions. We come across
former merchant of Mecca on instances of suicide bombers
the west coast of Arabia,
and others killing innocent
people almost on daily basis.