Page 21 - Pure Life 27
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               20  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (27): 13-26, Summer 2021

                   -  In the light of “Seerah”       delivered    to    address    the
                      or  conduct  of  the  True     mankind in general.
                      Messenger of Allah, can           His  skillful  use  of  rhetoric
                      it be justified?               demonstrated  his  commitment
                   -  What      does    Prophet      for   meaningful      competent
                      Muhammad's life teach us?      communication for humankind
                   -  What is the ideal versus       in  general.  His  speeches
                      reality?                       demonstrated that he sought to
                                                     see  all  humankind  from  the
                  The     messages     of    the     lens  of  kindness,  modesty,

               Prophet  which  would  be             moderation,  justice,  liberty,
               viewed  and  analyzed  in  this       gentility,  generosity  and  love.
               study      have      multipurpose     The  paper  focuses  on  the
               implications both for the muslim      argument     that    the    basic
               world and the Western world.          teachings of the Quran and the
                  World  peace  needs  a  proper     Prophet  are  not  inconsistent

               code of conduct and role model.       with    modern     charters    of
               The  teachings  of  the  Prophet      United Nations.
               provide  the  desired  code  of          For  example,  Pact  of  al-
               conduct, i.e. the law and the life    Ḥudaybiyah  (January  628),
               of  the  Prophet  is  the  reference   compromise  that  was  reached
               point, the role model.                between      Muḥammad        and
                  The textual messages in this       Meccan  leaders,  in  which

               research  are  the  speeches  and     Mecca  gave  political  and
               treaties  that  the  prophet  had     religious  recognition  to  the
               with his counterparts, companions     growing       community        of
               and followers. In addition, his       muslims in Medina.
               orations  or  sermons  that  he
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