Page 78 - Pure Life 27
P. 78
Commitment to the Covenant … R. Babanejad et al / (77
Introduction Faithfulness to the covenant
Humans are social beings who is praised in the Holy Quran in
live together and together. Life many verses. Loyalty is the
is a subject that can be ornament of reason and the
considered and discussed from adornment of social relations.
different aspects. Understanding Breaking the covenant is
“how to live” helps to realize considered a moral vice and it
hope in life and make it has irreparable consequences
meaningful. A meaningful life on one's personality and
is a life based on value and an humanity. Mutual trust is the
immoral life cannot be capital of social life, one of the
meaningful, because the discussion sins that destroys the string of
of the meaningful life is rooted trust and weakens the
in religion on the one hand and foundation of social relations is
in morality on the other. forsaking the covenant.
In the meantime, Faithfulness The covenant refers to the
to the covenant as a moral and same bilateral agreements, also
Islamic concept that is mentioned known as treaties. Sometimes it
in religious texts, has a is established between two
significant role in the individuals, two groups, two
realization of the life and societies, society and individual,
permanence of Islamic society. society and group, or group and
Since keeping the covenant individual and sometimes it is
creates trust and peace among realized between man and God.
the people, living with it will (Mesbah Yazdi, 2012: 167)
be meaningful and man will Among these, the covenant
live hopefully. with God is one of the most