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               78  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (27): 75-89, Summer 2021

               important branches of fulfilling      the  covenant  in  the  past
               the covenant, such as the vow,        religions and even in the age of
               the  violation  of  which  is         ignorance, was common among
               forbidden  and  is  considered  a     the  tribes  as  an  effective  and
               major  sin.  Commitment  to  a        important  matter  and  it  has
               covenant means the termination        been  accepted  in  tribes  and
               and adherence to a covenant in        human societies.
               which  a  person  undertakes  to         In  Islam,  special  attention

               protect  something  or  to  take      has    been     paid    to    the
               responsibility for something.         commitment  to  the  covenant
                  One  of  the  behaviors  that      and  it  is  considered  as  one  of
               plays  an  important  role  in  the   the  important  moral  principles
               meaning  of  life  and  morality      and  important  human  virtues.
               and the morality of human life        In  the  following,  we  will

               is keeping the promise. In this       examine  this  issue  in  verses
               article,  the  commitment  to  the    and hadiths .
               covenant  and  its  function  in
               giving meaning to life from the       Fulfilling the Covenant from
               perspective  of  the  Abrahamic       the Perspective of Verses and
               religions with emphasis on the        Hadiths
               religion of Islam is mentioned.       There  are  many  verses  in  the
                                                     Quran  about  commitment  to
               Fulfilling the Covenant from          the covenant, we will only refer
               the Perspective of Abrahamic          to some verses:
               Religions                                    “So  Moses  returned  to

               According  to  what  is  obtained            his  people  in  a  state  of
               from  religious  texts,  fulfilling          indignation and sorrow.
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