Page 80 - Pure Life 27
P. 80
Commitment to the Covenant … R. Babanejad et al / (79
He said: O my people! to the covenant has been a
did not your Lord make rational matter with human
a handsome promise to societies and all divine and
you? Did then the even non-divine races and
promise seem to you religions. This indicates the
long (in coming)? Or special place and importance of
did ye desire that Wrath fulfilling the covenant in the
should descend from meaning of life, according to
your Lord on you and so the Quran.
ye broke your promise The importance of fulfilling
to me?” (Quran, 20: 86) the covenant in addition to the
“Also mention in the Holy Quran, it has been
Book (the story of) frequently stated in the
Isma'il: He was (strictly) narrations of the Ahl al-Bayt,
true to what he which refers to three examples
promised and he was a of such narrations:
messenger (and) a prophet”. Amir al-Mu'minin Ali
(Quran, 19: 54) expressed various advices in a
letter which is written for
In this noble verse, God Malik al-Ashtar an-Nakha'i as
mentions the promise of the Governor of Egypt regarding
Ishmael. These verses and the the way of governing.
above verses are all evidence of In a part of letter 53 of Nahj
the acceptance of the commitment al-Balaghah, which is related to
to the covenant before the fulfilling the covenant, it is stated:
advent of Islam. “Do not enter into an
A brief look at the Islamic agreement which may
texts reveals that commitment
admit of different interpretations