Page 140 - Pure Life 28
P. 140
The Methodology of Encountering the Social Issues … N. Fradi / (139
brushing the teeth on the observation of
an ongoing basis. new faces of friends
3. Sleep Disorder; A not seen before, and
first time drug use the disappearance of
symptom is the teenager’s the ones who used to
tendency to sleep for show up are obviously
long periods or to noticed.
feel constant insomnia 6. Mood Swings; Sharp
as a result of the mood swings and the
effect the drug has on observation of the
the nervous system transition between agitation
and brain centers. and violence to
4. Isolation; A drug calmness and serenity
user tends to love are the most prominent
isolation, unwilling to symptoms of drug
mingle with the outside use in teenagers that
world or participate occur as a result of
in family and social the imbalance in brain
activities, makes sure chemistry.
of privacy, and closes 7. Depression; Getting
the door of his/her into a sudden state of
room not allowing depression which might
anybody in. be thought due to age
5. Change in the Circle and the usual hormonal
of Friends; Changes volatility at that
in the social circle stage, but drugs may
surrounding the teenager, also have a role as a