Page 141 - Pure Life 28
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               140  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 129-150, Autumn 2021

                         result of a decrease in               are  one  of  the  most
                         the secretion of happiness            prominent  symptoms
                         hormones produced by                  of    drug    use    in
                         the  drug  and  their                 teenagers.  They  occur
                         return  to  the  normal               as  a  result  of  blood
                         level.                                clots  in  the  eye  that
                     8.  Tears  and  Nose  Run                 lead  to  sensitivity  to
                         Out;  The  symptoms                   light and the tendency

                         of    drug    use    in               of  the  user  to  wear
                         teenagers may resemble                glasses all the time.
                         those of flu. Running             10. Decline  in  the  Level
                         eyes and nose may be                  of Study; The level of
                         observed on your kid.                 study is the first thing
                         When      asked,    the               affected  by  the  entry
                         cause  is  likely  to  be             of  drugs  into  the  life
                         cold, but the real one                of  the  teenager.  A

                         is   the    respiratory               decline in the level of
                         disorder  and  those                  school    is   noticed
                         resulting visible symptoms.           contrary to the usual,
                     9.  Narrowing            or               frequent absence  from
                         Dilation of the Pupil;                school,    and    poor
                         Do      you      notice               concentration and attention.

                         changes in your kid’s             11. Frequent       Driving
                         eye,  narrowing  or                   Accidents; Frequent driving
                         dilation  of  the  pupil              accidents  occur  due
                         along with redness of                 to lack of concentration,
                         the  eye?  These  signs               inability  to  properly
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