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               144  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 129-150, Autumn 2021
                      teen is forced to turn to      Mistakes  That  Help  the
                      drugs.  If  you  try  to       Teenager Sticks to Addiction
                      convince  him/her  of          There are mistakes that parents
                      treatment,  immediately        unconsciously commit help the
                      change  your  relationship     kid to stick more to the life of
                      and  turn  it  into  a         addiction, increased stubbornness,
                      friendship,  and  find  a      and  total  rejection  of  the
                      solution  to  all  the         treatment process.

                      problems the family has.           1.  Granting Money
                   8.  Eighth;  Seeking  Medical         Any  money  you  grant  to
                      Assistance;  The  sooner           your  kid  helps  him/her  get
                      you seek medical assistance        drugs  and  get  more  into  a
                      and  enroll  him/her  in  a        life of addiction. Therefore,
                      specialized     Addiction          when     dealing    with    a
                      Treatment  Center  with            stubborn addict, you do not
                      detoxification and psychotherapy   give  him/her  any  money

                      programs      aimed     at         whatever s/he asks for and
                      treating  depression  and          under  any  pretext,  whether
                      childhood  trauma,  the            to study or get food. Make
                      more you help your kid             sure  that  the  rest  of  the
                      easily overcome addiction          family abides by this.
                      and avoid its catastrophic

                      effects  that  might  bring        2.  Threat and Intimidation
                      him/her either to prison           Using threatening language
                      or the risk of death.              in  dealing  with  a  stubborn
                                                         addict  increases  his/her
                                                         aversion  to  you  and  his

                                                         stubbornness  even  more.
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