Page 144 - Pure Life 28
P. 144
The Methodology of Encountering the Social Issues … N. Fradi / (143
and accuse you of no longer like before.
untrusting and unloving Your school level has
him/her. Remember that declined and you have
s/he is enough ashamed been dismissed.
of himself/herself and 6. Trust and Absolute Support;
you as well. So, s/he Trusting an addict can
cannot admit his/her be difficult, but s/he
addiction before you. needs it badly. So, show
Stay calm, and tell that you trust him/her to
him/her you are here overcome addiction. Talk
not to hold him/her about your absolute
accountable, but to find support, and that you
a solution to his/her problem. will always be next to
5. Fifth; Showing the Harm him/her by saying, "I
of Addiction; When dealing am with you and will
with a stubborn addict, not leave you alone, and
show him/her the great I trust your ability to
damage addiction has overcome that illness.
left to his/her life and 7. Seventh; Treating Family
the kind of person s/he Problems; Sometimes parents
has become to realize may be the cause of the
the impact of addiction kid's addiction due to
on his/her life and what the many family disputes
it will do to him/her if as well as their teenager’s
s/he continues to do so. negligence and cruel treatment.
No harm to say, You've To get away from such
changed a lot and you're troubles and abuse, the