Page 150 - Pure Life 28
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The Methodology of Encountering the Social Issues … N. Fradi / (149

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                  We  hereby  declare  that  no                Resilience in Children
               matter  what  we  search,  each                 and  Teens:  Giving
               case has its own causes, effects                Kids Roots and Wings.
               and  circumstances,  and  it  is                3   Edition.  Illinois:
                                                               American  Academy  of
               indispensable  for  parents  to                 Pediatrics.

               turn  to  specialists  in  this             6.  Kulayni,   Muhammad
               regard.                                         ibn   Ya'qub    (1990).
                                                               Kitab  al-Kafi.  Beirut:
               List of References                              Dar al-Tacaruf li-l-Matbucat.
                     1.  The Holy Qur’an.                  7.  Noori  Tabarsi,  Mirza
                     2.  Nahj  al-Balagha.  The                Husain (2008). Mustadrak
                         Sermons of Imam Ali.                  al-Wasa’il wa Mustanbaṭ
                     3.  Facts  for  Families:                 al-Masa’il. Beirut: Mu’assasat
                         Discipline.     Illinois:             Al al-Bayt li-Iḥya’ al-Turath.
                         American  Academy  of
                                                           8.  Talking with Your Teen:
                         Pediatrics:http://www.aac             Tips for Parents. Illinois:
                         _Youth/Facts_for_Families/F           American  Academy  of
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                     4.  Faraj,  Manal  (2014).                sed Sept.6,2016
                         How  Do  we  Protect
                         our Teens from Smoking?
                         Kuwait News Newspaper:
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