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               148  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 129-150, Autumn 2021

                      •  Provide support. Praise     Conclusion
                          your teenage kid and       If  parents  and  educators  use
                          encourage him when         the  above-mentioned  psycho-
                          he  achieves  some         behavioral  religious  methods
                          success.  A  strong        to  address  teenager  addiction,
                          family  tie  between       they will be able to overcome
                          you and the teenager       most  of  the  challenges  they
                          may  help  protect         face.  We  have  stated  and

                          him  from  drug  use.      continue  to  reiterate  that
                          Be a role model.           addicted teenagers are sick and
                      •  If  you  suspect  that      victims,  not  evil  and  deviant
                          your kid or someone        people.  Therefore,  we  must
                          close  to  you  is  on     change  the  way  we  think  to
                          drugs.  the  sooner        make  it  easier  for  us  to  deal
                          you  seek  treatment,      with them with mercy as Allah
                          the  more  you  make       Almighty  asked  us  to  do.  He
                          him/her     avoid    a     almighty said:
                          darker fate that takes
                          his/her  life  away.              “It  is  by  Allah’s  mercy
                          (Ref to: Faraj, 2014;             that  you  soften  to  them
                          Ginsburg      et    al,           And  if  you  were  harsh
                          2015;     Facts    for            and  hard-hearted,  they
                          Families,       2016;             would  have  dispersed
                          Talking  with  Your               from  around  you  So
                          Teen, 2016)
                                                            pardon  them  and  ask
                                                            forgiveness  for  them

                                                            and consult them in the
                                                            matter so if you resolve,
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