Page 148 - Pure Life 28
P. 148
The Methodology of Encountering the Social Issues … N. Fradi / (147
• Be prepared to • Set the rules and the
discuss your opinion consequences.
on drug use. Think Explain your family's
about how to rules, such as leaving
parties when they
respond if your include drug use,
teenage kid asks you and not getting in a
about your drug car with a drug
experience. If you driver. If the teenager
tell him you don't fails to comply with
take drugs, explain the rules, the appropriate
why. If you have consequences must
come into action.
already taken drugs, • know the teenager's
share what you have friends. If your teenage
learned from your kid's friends are
experience. taking drugs, he may
feel an urgent desire
Other preventive strategies to try them too.
help parents prevent teenagers • Track the quantities
from taking drugs: and locations of
• know the activities prescription drugs.
of teenagers. Watch Write down the stock
out for the places that of all medications
prescribed by your
teenagers frequently physician and those
attend. Discover available without a
adult-supervised activities physician's prescription
that teenagers care in your home.
about and encourage
them to participate in.