Page 146 - Pure Life 28
P. 146
The Methodology of Encountering the Social Issues … N. Fradi / (145
S/he does not care about 5. Revealing His Addiction
anything you deprive him/her Secret
of, and all s/he wants to get Spreading the news of your
is drugs, and threatening kid's addiction among his
relatives is a serious mistake
him/her with depriving him you might make. This
of it will not work. destroys his/her life,
completely banishes social
3. Anger and Violence standing, and tarnishes
We understand how angry reputation even if s/he is
you are with your addicted treated. S/he also loses
kid, but you have to swallow trusting you and feels
that anger and stay away ashamed of people which
from the violent style that exposes him/her to introversion
increases his/her stubbornness and social ostracism.
and holds him/her more into 6. Granting Excuses and
an addictive life even if s/he Solving problems
wants to get rid of it. It is true that addiction has
never been your kid's
4. Blame and Reproach choice, but his/her subsequent
Your kid did not want that actions make him/her take
life in any way and did not part of the responsibility.
choose to become addicted. Do not try to find any
S/he blamed and reproached excuses for his/her actions,
himself/herself and felt but let him/her face them
guilty and despised enough. and look at the results
Therefore, you do not need himself/herself until s/he
to remind him/her of realizes the effect of the
his/her negative feelings by drug and reconsiders.
using the offensive tone of
blame and reproach.