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               40  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 39-64, Autumn 2021

               Introduction                                 as the period of attaching
               It  is  generally  believed  that            too  much  importance  to
               man  is  made  up  of  two  vital            scientific knowledge and
               dimensions,  the  material  and              ignoring  faith.  Many
               the spiritual. Anything relating             intellectuals  thought  that
               to  the  body  is  material  while           all human problems would
               that  of  the  soul  is  spiritual.          be solved by science; but
               Both aspects are interdependent              experience  has  proved
               and are as equally important for             the contrary. Today there
               the  salvation  of  man,  as  none           is no intellectual denying

               could  be  neglected  outrightly             that  man  needs  some
               for the other.                               sort of faith; even if that
                  However,      most     people,            faith  is  not  religious,  it
               particularly in this modern age              is  bound  to  be  ultra-
               have ignored the spiritual aspect            scientific”.   (Mutahhari,
               for  the  material.  They  believe           n.d: 23)
               that with the numerous advancements
               in  the  fields  of  science  and        Meanwhile, it is pertinent to

               technology, man is no more in         say  that  in  as  much  as
                                                     necessary attention is given to
               need of faith or religious belief     the  material  and  spiritual
               to attain the desired success in
               life. While describing the role       dimensions  of  man,  spiritual
               of faith and the inability of the     well-being  should  be  given
               scientific  knowledge  to  solve      more     priority,   as   it   is
                                                     considered as the highest goal
               all  human  problems,  Martyr         of  man  in  life;  because,  it  is
               Mutahhari wrote:
                      “The  past  two  or  three     only  through  this  that  true
                      centuries may be regarded      happiness, success and prosperity
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