Page 46 - Pure Life 28
P. 46

The Role of Faith… A.M Bello et al / (45

               rational cognition and grows as       to Allah (the Exalted) and those
               a result of practical experience      things  which  are  connected  to
               and  is  manifested  in  one's        Him  such  as  the  prophetic
               speech and behavior. (Fath-Ali        mission of the Prophet, the Day
               Khani, 1379, Vol. 1: 118)             of  Judgment,  the  Heavenly
                  From  the  above  definitions,     Books,  and  other  such  things.

               it is obvious that the term Imān      (Rastgar Juebari, n.d: 3-4)
               (i.e., faith) refers to a firm and       The  two  testimonies  are  “I
               voluntary affirmation or attestation   bear  witness  that  there  is  no
               to a religious belief. Thus, from     god  worthy  of  worship  except
               the  Islamic  perspective,  one       for  Allah  and  I  bear  witness
               who  -out  of  his  own  free-        that  Muhammad  is  His  slave

               testifies  to  the  oneness  of       and messenger”.
               Allah,  the  prophethood  of
               prophet  Muhammad,  and  also             2.  Life (Ḥayāt)
               acts  according  to  all  of  the     The definition of the term 'life'
               injunctions that Allah commanded      is  related  to  the  branches  of
               is referred to as a true believer     science    such    as   biology,
               (i.e., Mu'min).                       biochemistry, and astrobiology;

                  According  to  some  reports,      however,  up  till  now,  there  is
               Imān (faith) has various levels       still  no  general  agreement
               and  degrees  and  it  is  different   among the scientists on a single
               from Islam in the sense that the      definition  of  life.  Meanwhile,
               latter  is  simply  a  verbal         in  the  literal  sense,  the  term
               declaration that is accomplished      “Ḥayāt” is an Arabic word and

               by  the  two  testimonies  while      it  is  translated  in  English  as
               the  former  is  a  voluntary         “life;  living;  existence;  or  a
               submission and complete obedience     lifetime”. (Ba'albaki, 2010: 495)
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