Page 43 - Pure Life 28
P. 43
42 International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 39-64, Autumn 2021
“Whoever acts righteously, other condition for it
[whether] male or female, from any point of view:
should he be faithful, we neither from the point of
shall revive him with a the race, gender, nor
good life and pay them from the point of
their reward by the best position, and social
of what they used to do”. rank. In the end, one
(Qur'an, 16: 97) infers from this verse
that a man without faith
Meanwhile, in a commentary and without good deeds
of the Qur'an by a group of is just regarded as
scholars, the summary of the dead”. (Faqih Imani,
explanation made about the 1997, Vol. 8: 569)
above-quoted verse is given as
follows: It is on this basis, therefore,
“This verse states, as a that the present study attempts
general rule, that the to examine the role of religious
result of the righteous faith (Imān) in attaining
deeds of every believer prosperity and salvation (i.e., a
and in any form that goodly pure life) in this
they are performed will material world and the
be rewarded with the Hereafter; so that a large number
best scale of good of people, particularly the
deeds; thus, the youths of this modern age who
criterion here is 'faith' are under the influences of the
and the righteous acts materialism could be liberated.
emerged from it, and
therefore, there is no