Page 44 - Pure Life 28
P. 44

The Role of Faith… A.M Bello et al / (43

               Problem Statement                     human being, as no amount of
               With  the  drastic  progress  in      scientific  or  technical  aid  will
               technological     advancements;       be able to give true happiness,
               particularly in this modern age,      inner    peace,    mental    and
               the  needs  of  man  have             spiritual  well-being  unless  and

               increased  and  grown  complex        until  religious  belief  (Imān)  is
               to the extent that many people        restored.
               sacrifice  their  physical,  moral       At  present,  the  issue  of  the

               and  spiritual  well‑being  solely    relationship  of  religious  belief
                                                     or faith on the lifestyle of man
               to achieve it. This situation has     has  been  one  of  the  most
               led some people to believe that       fundamental  questions  which
               man is in no need of  religious       have  generally  been  a  subject

               belief    (Imān)     to     attain    of  debate  between  those  with
               prosperity and salvation in this      materialist  mindsets  and  the
               modern age.                           Muslim scholars.
                  In  other  words,  material           In  the  Islamic  worldview,
               well-being  alone  is  being          religious  belief  or  faith  is  a
               promoted  and  propagated  as         crucial    requisite   for    the

               the  key  solution  to  all  human    attainment  of  prosperity  and
               problems  and  a  sign  of            salvation in this material world
               prosperity  and  salvation  of        and  the  Hereafter,  as  it  is  a
               man;  of  course,  the  man  may      divine light that gives meaning
               succeed to the utmost degree in       and  direction  to  the  life  of
               achieving  their  material  ends      human  beings;  that  is  to  say,
               but  beyond  that,  they  fail  to    the    material,    moral    and

               achieve        glorious       and     spiritual well-being of the man
               purposeful life goals befitting a
                                                     and  his  society  could  only  be
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