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               44  International Multi. J. of PURE LIFE. 8 (28): 39-64, Autumn 2021

               achieved  in  the  shadow  of         Thus, from its literal sense, the
               religious belief or faith while a     term  Imān  (acronym:  'Kufr')
               life  that  is  devoid  of  faith  and   means  absolute  affirmation
               spirituality is meaningless.          (Turayhi, 1996, Vol. 6: 204) or
                                                     simply      affirmation.     (Ibn
               Conceptual Analysis                   Manẓur,  1993,  Vol.  13:  21;
               For  a  better  and  proper           Murtada Zubaydi, 1993: Vol. 18:
               understanding  of  the  topic         24; Farahidi, 1998: Vol. 8: 389)
               under  discussion,  a  proper            Meanwhile,       there     are
               introduction is necessary. In this    differences  of  opinion  on  the

               regard, the literal and technical     technical  meaning  of  the  term
               definitions of some crucial and       Imān  (i.e.,  faith)  and  this  has
               related  terms  such  as  faith       resulted in different definitions
               (Imān);  life  (Ḥayāt),  and  pure    of the term among the scholars
               life  (Ḥayāt  al-Tayyibah)  and       of  various  sects.  (Ref  to:
               some  general  concepts  on  the      Jawadi, 1998: 61-145)

               topic  are  discussed  in  this          According  to  a  definition,
               section.                              however,  faith  is  defined  as  a

                   1.  Faith (Imān)                  spiritual  and  psychological
               The  term  'Imān'  is  a  verbal      state  which  is  formed  due  to
               noun     which      is    usually     cognition and knowledge about

               translated  in  English  as  belief   a  concept  and  an  inclination
               or faith (Ba'albaki, 2010: 215)       towards  it.  (Misbah  Yazdi,
               is derived from an Arabic root        2002: 470)
               'Ā-m-n'  which  means  “to               In  other  words,  faith  is  an
               believe  in”  or  “have  faith  in”.   epistemological  stimulant  and
               (Azhari,  2000,  Vol.  15:  368)      motivator  of  the  transcendent
                                                     truth, which arises as a result of
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