Page 50 - Pure Life 28
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The Role of Faith… A.M Bello et al / (49

                  Meanwhile, the verses of the       effects, and role of faith and the
               Qur'an  which  focus  on  faith       attributes of a believer; (Ref to:
               (i.e.,  Imān)  can  be  categorized   Kulayni,  2008,  Vol.  3:  7-137)
               into  several  groups.  Some          however,  the  Prophet's  saying:
               verses (such as Qur'an, 4: 173;       “There     are    two     virtues
               9:  20;  57:  7)  discussed  the      unexcelled  by  anything  better:

               necessity  of  faith  and  its  roles   faith  in  God  and  being  of
               in  this  material  world  and  the   benefit  to  God's  servant”;
               Hereafter.  Some  verses  (Such       (Majlisi, 1982, Vol. 74: 139) or
               as  Qur'an,  8:  2-4;  23:  1-9)      his advice to Abu Dharr:
               focused     on     the    unique         “O  Abu  Dharr!  Nothing  is
               characteristics  of  the  believers   more  beloved  to  God  than

               and     some     other     verses     believing in Him and refraining
               explained       the      positive     from  what  He  forbids”.  (Tusi,
               consequences of faith  (such as       1993:  531)  Is  enough  to  show
               Qur'an,  14:  23;  22:  50)  or  the   the  significance  and  status  of
               negative consequences of disbelief.   faith in Islam.
               (Such  as  Qur'an,  22:  19;             On a final note, however, it
               30:16)  In  essence,  the  central    is  pertinent  to  note  that  faith

               theme of the Qur'anic message         devoid  of  actions  -ccording  to
               is the faith in God (the Exalted)     the  Qur'an  and  Hadiths-  is  not
               and  those  things  that  are         enough  for  the  prosperity  of
               connected to Him.                     mankind,  righteous  deeds  are
                  In    addition,   there    are     also  required.  That  is  the
               numerous  Hadiths  from  the          reason why the righteous deeds

               noble Prophet of Islam and his        are constantly mentioned immediately
               pure Household on the meaning,        after  the  faith  in  God  (i.e.,
               reality, significance, categories,    Imān)  in  the  glorious  Qur'an.
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